
Rasieren wie einst unsere Großväter

Rasieren wie einst unsere Großväter - so geht's!

Heutzutage ist die traditionelle Rasur leider etwas in Vergessenheit geraten. Kaum ein Mann kennt die Kunst der traditionellen Nassrasur, die für seine Großväter noch eine Selbstverständlichkeit war. In diesem Artikel...

Rasieren wie einst unsere Großväter - so geht's!

Heutzutage ist die traditionelle Rasur leider etwas in Vergessenheit geraten. Kaum ein Mann kennt die Kunst der traditionellen Nassrasur, die für seine Großväter noch eine Selbstverständlichkeit war. In diesem Artikel...

Die Nassrasur – diese Schritte solltest du beachten - The Man Himself

The Wet Shave - You should follow these steps!

The wet shave is a nice ritual for which you should take your time. The shave consists of several steps, which achieve an optimal result.

The Wet Shave - You should follow these steps!

The wet shave is a nice ritual for which you should take your time. The shave consists of several steps, which achieve an optimal result.

Rasur = Brand? 7 Tipps wie du Rasurbrand vermeiden kannst!

Shaving = Burn? 7 tips on how to avoid razor b...

Many men have to struggle with razor burn, especially after a wet shave. But does a wet shave always follow a razor burn? What is a razor burn anyway? What...

Shaving = Burn? 7 tips on how to avoid razor b...

Many men have to struggle with razor burn, especially after a wet shave. But does a wet shave always follow a razor burn? What is a razor burn anyway? What...

Schnittverletzungen bei der Rasur – was tun?

Cut during shaving - what to do?

You cut yourself shaving and wondering if you need to go to the nearest ER right away? I can calm you down: Usually the cuts are so superficial that you...

Cut during shaving - what to do?

You cut yourself shaving and wondering if you need to go to the nearest ER right away? I can calm you down: Usually the cuts are so superficial that you...